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Reasons for doing manicure?

Sometimes we nod, sometimes we exchange kisses on the cheek, but the most popular gesture of greeting is the handshake.

The first impression of the man is created by the touch of hands:dirty and not maintained, peeled nail polish or well-done manicure and soft hands?
For those who have the harmful habit to bite their nails or have weak nails that constantly break – the decision is in the nail plastics.
The manicure is not only maintaining the nails, but also of the skin of the hands. Always use creams and moisturizing lotions to nourish your skin and nails.
Manicure-this is a broad term that can include both nails rising, processing and shaping of the natural nails, and even maintenance of the hands and nails. The well done manicure is always a way to show that you know how to take care of your body.

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